Post by Emperor AAdmin on Dec 20, 2011 22:03:42 GMT -5
Dismantling of the family unit using western recipe? Bellow is the article in Serbian language that is talking about cultural westernization of balkan family unit. Children being able to do as they please without parents being able to say anything. Children being able to sue their own parents or spy on their parents to authorities. Parents not having a voice when it comes to children's sexual behavior or children being manipulated by various sects. Regarding parents are suspicious when it comes to child rearing. Preventing parents from being able to raise kids in traditional ways. These are some of the topics expressed here. Western recipe. World of 70% divorce rates and such must be a perfect inspiration for a functional family unit, no. Lets start the production ------- Zаkon o prаvimа detetа = Zаkon protiv porodice Pismo Dveri opozicionim strаnkаmа povodom prednаcrtа Zаkonа o prаvimа detetа
Beogrаd, 20.12.2011
* Predsedniku Srpske nаpredne strаnke, * Predsedniku Srpske rаdikаlne strаnke, * Predsedniku Demokrаtske strаnke Srbije, * Predsedniku Nove Srbije,
Zаkon o prаvimа detetа = Zаkon protiv porodice Prednаcrt Zаkonа o prаvimа detetа koji je ovih dаnа dаt nа uvid jаvnosti u svojoj suštini je predlog Zаkonа protiv porodice!!!
Ovim Zаkonom se predlаže:
- dа decа postаnu doušnici koji cinkаre svoje roditelje!
- dа decа mogu dа se pаrniče sа roditeljimа i unаjmljuju аdvokаte protiv svojih roditeljа!
- dа se roditelji posmаtrаju kаo „sumnjivа licа“ u pogledu vаspitаvаnjа svoje dece!
- dа se roditeljimа uskrаti prаvo vаspitаvаnjа i zаštite svoje dece u određenim godinаmа i određenim oblаstimа životа!
- dа decа mogu dа ucenjuju roditelje аko nisu zаdovoljnа svojim džepаrcem!
- dа decа budu slobodnа od roditeljske brige i uplivа u pogledu svog seksuаlnog životа, ulаskа u sekte i političke orgаnizаcije!
- dа se roditeljimа zаbrаni vаspitаvаnje dece u duhu trаdicionаlnih vrednosti!
Ovаkаv koncept prednаcrtа Zаkonа je nаjstrаšniji udаr nа normаlnost porodičnog životа i predstаvljа ukidаnje zаštite odnosа roditeljа i dece. Ovаj režimski upаd u privаtnost porodičnog životа nаjbolje govori o totаlitаrnosti sistemа koji Evropskа unijа prаvi u Srbiji.
Poštovаni lideri nаcionаlnih opozicionih strаnаkа,
Pozivаmo Vаs dа oslаnjаjući se nа institucionаlni potencijаl vаših strаnаkа i poslаničkih klubovа izvršite pritisаk dа se ovаj predlog Zаkonа ne nаđe u zаkonodаvnoj proceduri.
U slučаju dа ste spremni dа po ovom pitаnju orgаnizujete bilokаkve vidove protestа i kаmpаnjа, Pokret Dveri zа život Srbije je spremаn dа u tom prаvcu sаrаđuje.
U ime Pokretа Dveri-ZA život Srbije Rаdovаn Tvrdišić www.dverisrpske.com/sr-CS/nasa-politika/saopstenja/pismo-opoziciji-povodom-zakona-o-pravima-deteta.php
Post by Emperor AAdmin on Dec 21, 2011 11:20:27 GMT -5
1) So on one side there is a traditional and natural family unit which is composed of parents, their children and wider family. Without this unit society does not exit and if this unit is not functional neither will the society be functional. Family is a thing of nature. Society with a 70 percent divorce rate (following a new western societal experiment that is obviously flawed) can not be deemed as functional.
2) On another side there is a biased and always temporary structure called government. This is in essence a business either where politicians serve their own interests or serve interests of business lobbies. Government is always artificial and dishonest. This unit is always a very small minority and is in essence a parasite that is sucking a life out of rest of the society in multitude of ways. Is primary interests is profit and not functionality of a family unit.
There is no way that one can conclude that politicians have better intentions for someone else's kids versus parents of such kids and neither do they have any natural right to even start assuming this.
My conclusion is that such laws serve to brake family unit apart into such detail that pieces of such detail could never unite and form a cohesive unit on a wider scale and serve as a threat for the interests of the government. The attention in this case is on each other and not on someone else.
Post by Anittas on Dec 21, 2011 16:39:16 GMT -5
Aadmin, you "studied" philosophy in university in America. What books have you read on this matter that explain this issue? What are your sources? To be frank, I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I'm also not understanding where you get the 70-percent divorce rate from. Do you have a source for this or did you make it up? Or maybe you misread 50-percent as 70.
Post by Emperor AAdmin on Dec 21, 2011 19:08:41 GMT -5
. will post on this here later.
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Post by Deleted on Dec 27, 2011 9:31:09 GMT -5
The only people that are responsible for dismantling a family unit are PARENTS!!!! There is no so called "Western recipe". Ridiculous thread.
Post by Emperor AAdmin on Jan 8, 2012 13:57:48 GMT -5
. Rousseau in 1753, by Maurice Quentin de La TourTheory of Natural Human
“ The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said "This is mine," and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody." — Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality, 1754 On the contrary, Rousseau holds that "uncorrupted morals" prevail in the "state of nature" and he especially praised the admirable moderation of the Caribbeans in expressing the sexual urge[18] despite the fact that they live in a hot climate, which "always seems to inflame the passions".[19] This has led Anglophone critics to erroneously attribute to Rousseau the invention of the idea of the noble savage, an oxymoronic expression that was never used in France[20] and which grossly misrepresents Rousseau's thought.[21] Rousseau wrote that morality was not a societal construct, but rather "natural" in the sense of "innate," an outgrowth from man's instinctive disinclination to witness suffering, from which arise the emotions of compassion or empathy. These were sentiments shared with animals, and whose existence even Hobbes acknowledged.[22] Rousseau's natural man is virtually identical to a solitary chimpanzee or other ape, such as the orangutan as described by Buffon; and the "natural" goodness of humanity is thus the goodness of an animal, which is neither good nor bad. Rousseau, a deteriorationist, proposed that, except perhaps for brief moments of balance, at or near its inception, when a relative equality among men prevailed, human civilization has always been artificial, creating inequality, envy, and unnatural desires In Rousseau's philosophy, society's negative influence on men centers on its transformation of amour de soi, a positive self-love, into amour-propre, or pride. Amour de soi represents the instinctive human desire for self-preservation, combined with the human power of reason. In contrast, amour-propre is artificial and encourages man to compare himself to others, thus creating unwarranted fear and allowing men to take pleasure in the pain or weakness of others. Rousseau was not the first to make this distinction. It had been invoked by Vauvenargues, among others. In Discourse on the Arts and Sciences Rousseau argues that the arts and sciences have not been beneficial to humankind, because they arose not from authentic human needs but rather as a result of pride and vanity Moreover, the opportunities they create for idleness and luxury have contributed to the corruption of man. He proposed that the progress of knowledge had made governments more powerful and had crushed individual liberty; and he concluded that material progress had actually undermined the possibility of true friendship by replacing it with jealousy, fear, and suspicion. Only in civil society, can man be ennobled—through the use of reason: The passage from the state of nature to the civil state produces a very remarkable change in man, by substituting justice for instinct in his conduct, and giving his actions the morality they had formerly lacked. Then only, when the voice of duty takes the place of physical impulses and right of appetite, does man, who so far had considered only himself, find that he is forced to act on different principles, and to consult his reason before listening to his inclinations. Although, in this state, he deprives himself of some advantages which he got from nature, he gains in return others so great, his faculties are so stimulated and developed, his ideas so extended, his feelings so ennobled, and his whole soul so uplifted, that, did not the abuses of this new condition often degrade him below that which he left, he would be bound to bless continually the happy moment which took him from it for ever, and, instead of a stupid and unimaginative animal, made him an intelligent being and a man.[23] A 1766 portrait of Rousseau by Allan RamsayIn this essay, which elaborates on the ideas introduced in the Discourse on the Arts and Sciences, Rousseau traces man's social evolution from a primitive state of nature to modern society. The earliest solitary humans possessed a basic drive for self preservation and a natural disposition to compassion or pity. They differed from animals, however, in their capacity for free will and their potential perfectibility. As they began to live in groups and form clans they also began to experience family love, which Rousseau saw as the source of the greatest happiness known to humanity. As long as differences in wealth and status among families were minimal, the first coming together in groups was accompanied by a fleeting golden age of human flourishing. The development of agriculture, metallurgy, private property, and the division of labour and resulting dependency on one another, however, led to economic inequality and conflict. As population pressures forced them to associate more and more closely, they underwent a psychological transformation: They began to see themselves through the eyes of others and came to value the good opinion of others as essential to their self esteem. Rousseau posits that the original, deeply flawed Social Contract (i.e., that of Hobbes), which led to the modern state, was made at the suggestion of the rich and powerful, who tricked the general population into surrendering their liberties to them and instituted inequality as a fundamental feature of human society. Rousseau's own conception of the Social Contract can be understood as an alternative to this fraudulent form of association. At the end of the Discourse on Inequality, Rousseau explains how the desire to have value in the eyes of others comes to undermine personal integrity and authenticity in a society marked by interdependence, and hierarchy. In the last chapter of the Social Contract, Rousseau would ask "What is to be done?" He answers that now all men can do is to cultivate virtue in themselves and submit to their lawful rulers. To his readers, however, the inescapable conclusion was that a new and more equitable Social Contract was needed. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques_Rousseau#Theory_of_Natural_Human------ Political theory
Perhaps Rousseau's most important work is The Social Contract, which outlines the basis for a legitimate political order within a framework of classical republicanism. Published in 1762, it became one of the most influential works of political philosophy in the Western tradition. It developed some of the ideas mentioned in an earlier work, the article Economie Politique (Discourse on Political Economy), featured in Diderot's Encyclopédie. The treatise begins with the dramatic opening lines, "Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they."
Rousseau claimed that the state of nature was a primitive condition without law or morality, which human beings left for the benefits and necessity of cooperation. As society developed, division of labor and private property required the human race to adopt institutions of law. In the degenerate phase of society, man is prone to be in frequent competition with his fellow men while also becoming increasingly dependent on them. This double pressure threatens both his survival and his freedom. According to Rousseau, by joining together into civil society through the social contract and abandoning their claims of natural right, individuals can both preserve themselves and remain free. This is because submission to the authority of the general will of the people as a whole guarantees individuals against being subordinated to the wills of others and also ensures that they obey themselves because they are, collectively, the authors of the law.
Although Rousseau argues that sovereignty (or the power to make the laws) should be in the hands of the people, he also makes a sharp distinction between the sovereign and the government. The government is composed of magistrates, charged with implementing and enforcing the general will. The "sovereign" is the rule of law, ideally decided on by direct democracy in an assembly.
Under a monarchy, however, the real sovereign is still the law. Rousseau was opposed to the idea that the people should exercise sovereignty via a representative assembly (Book III, Chapter XV). The kind of republican government of which Rousseau approved was that of the city state, of which Geneva was a model, or would have been, if renewed on Rousseau's principles. France could not meet Rousseau's criterion of an ideal state because it was too big. Much subsequent controversy about Rousseau's work has hinged on disagreements concerning his claims that citizens constrained to obey the general will are thereby rendered free:
The notion of the general will is wholly central to Rousseau's theory of political legitimacy. ... It is, however, an unfortunately obscure and controversial notion. Some commentators see it as no more than the dictatorship of the proletariat or the tyranny of the urban poor (such as may perhaps be seen in the French Revolution). Such was not Rousseau's meaning. This is clear from the Discourse on Political Economy, where Rousseau emphasizes that the general will exists to protect individuals against the mass, not to require them to be sacrificed to it. He is, of course, sharply aware that men have selfish and sectional interests which will lead them to try to oppress others. It is for this reason that loyalty to the good of all alike must be a supreme (although not exclusive) commitment by everyone, not only if a truly general will is to be heeded but also if it is to be formulated successfully in the first place".[24] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques_Rousseau#Political_theory---------- A portrait of Rousseau in later life.Education and child rearing
“ ‘The noblest work in education is to make a reasoning man, and we expect to train a young child by making him reason! This is beginning at the end; this is making an instrument of a result. If children understood how to reason they would not need to be educated.” –Rousseau, Emile. ”
Rousseau’s philosophy of education is not concerned with particular techniques of imparting information and concepts, but rather with developing the pupil’s character and moral sense, so that he may learn to practice self-mastery and remain virtuous even in the unnatural and imperfect society in which he will have to live. The hypothetical boy, Émile, is to be raised in the countryside, which, Rousseau believes, is a more natural and healthy environment than the city, under the guardianship of a tutor who will guide him through various learning experiences arranged by the tutor.
Today we would call this the disciplinary method of "natural consequences" since, like modern psychologists, Rousseau felt that children learn right and wrong through experiencing the consequences of their acts rather than through physical punishment. The tutor will make sure that no harm results to Émile through his learning experiences.
Rousseau was one of the first to advocate developmentally appropriate education; and his description of the stages of child development mirrors his conception of the evolution of culture. He divides childhood into stages: the first is to the age of about 12, when children are guided by their emotions and impulses. During the second stage, from 12 to about 16, reason starts to develop; and finally the third stage, from the age of 16 onwards, when the child develops into an adult. Rousseau recommends that the young adult learn a manual skill such as carpentry, which requires creativity and thought, will keep him out of trouble, and will supply a fallback means of making a living in the event of a change of fortune. (The most illustrious aristocratic youth to have been educated this way may have been Louis XVI, whose parents had him learn the skill of locksmithing.[25]) The sixteen-year-old is also ready to have a companion of the opposite sex.
Although his ideas foreshadowed modern ones in many ways, in one way they do not: Rousseau was a believer in the moral superiority of the patriarchal family on the antique Roman model. Sophie, the young woman Émile is destined to marry, as a representative of ideal womanhood, is educated to be governed by her husband while Émile, as representative of the ideal man, is educated to be self-governing. This is not an accidental feature of Rousseau's educational and political philosophy; it is essential to his account of the distinction between private, personal relations and the public world of political relations. The private sphere as Rousseau imagines it depends on the subordination of women, in order for both it and the public political sphere (upon which it depends) to function as Rousseau imagines it could and should. Rousseau anticipated the modern idea of the bourgeois nuclear family, with the mother at home taking responsibility for the household and for childcare and early education.
Feminists, beginning in the late 18th century with Mary Wollstonecraft in 1792[26] have criticized Rousseau for his confinement of women to the domestic sphere—unless women were domesticated and constrained by modesty and shame, he feared[27] "men would be tyrannized by women... For, given the ease with which women arouse men's senses... men would finally be their victims...."[28] His contemporaries saw it differently because Rousseau thought that mothers should breastfeed their children.[29]
Marmontel wrote that his wife thought, "One must forgive something," she said, "in one who has taught us to be mothers."[30] Rousseau's detractors have blamed him for everything they do not like in what they call modern "child-centered" education. John Darling's 1994 book Child-Centered Education and its Critics argues that the history of modern educational theory is a series of footnotes to Rousseau, a development he regards as bad. Good or bad, the theories of educators such as Rousseau's near contemporaries Pestalozzi, Mme de Genlis, and later, Maria Montessori, and John Dewey, which have directly influenced modern educational practices do have significant points in common with those of Rousseau. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques_Rousseau#Education_and_child_rearing