Post by manijak on Feb 5, 2009 11:06:21 GMT -5
The key being, they are SUPPOSED to. Ask yourself, why aren't they?
I'll tell you: a) many disapora don't want to because the economic situation is horrible due to the lack of functionality. And the political situation is not even that stable. b) Things like the RS police and the name of the entities are not inclusive. Meaning, I don't want to move to a place thats named after one of the ethnic groups. I believe with negotiation, that can be changed, and its more than a cosmetic change.
You tell me, is the current plan working in terms of bringing back the displaced Bosniak pop. in to RS?
Ummm..you can use a phone book and find out what ethnicity someone is from too. So thats a pointless angle.
The problem is instead in regards to the first point. I agree that you don't have an ethnic census till you know you will get back people in that territory. We need show in the census that Bosniaks live everywhere. That way, there can never be a call for independence on their side. I totally agree with that.
The problem with you though is, that is never going to happen under Dayton. People are sick and tired of the politics and nobody will want to live in that corrupt and economically poor nation.
Post by tito on Feb 5, 2009 11:21:11 GMT -5
The key being, they are SUPPOSED to. Ask yourself, why aren't they? I'll tell you: a) many disapora don't want to because the economic situation is horrible due to the lack of functionality. And the political situation is not even that stable. b) Things like the RS police and the name of the entities are not inclusive. Meaning, I don't want to move to a place thats named after one of the ethnic groups. I believe with negotiation, that can be changed, and its more than a cosmetic change. Tell that to Gargamel. You are asking ME if the Dayton agreement is working ;D Naturally not, that is why we need a real constitution and not cosmetic changes of the failed Dayton agreement. No, both the real constitution and the Dayton agreement clearly say that all of BiH belongs to all 3 constitutional people so there is no way they can separate any part no matter how ethnically cleansed it is. I agree and that is why I think that Silajdzic is right when he requires a totally new constitution because there is no Dayton without the full implementations of Dayton.
Post by manijak on Feb 5, 2009 12:11:17 GMT -5
That means that you should only insult Tihic if he negotiates an agreement where a and b are still not any different.
Because all Silajdzic is saying is that Dayton is not working (duh), that we need a new constitution (duh), but he has not really shown the capability to create change.
Has he shown you any ability to make the changes needed? If Dayton is not working, if people aren't coming back to their homes, if the economic situation is bad and getting worse, is "waiting-it-out" a valid stance?
Are you ready to wait it out? maybe you are, but how much do you care about the pop. who is living there?
This is why I say that Silajdzic not living in BIH prior to running for presidency is quiet relevant. I don't know if he has sons or daugthers but I bet they don't live in BIH either. Tihic has always been there. His whole family lives in BIH.
Post by tito on Feb 5, 2009 13:37:15 GMT -5
That means that you should only insult Tihic if he negotiates an agreement where a and b are still not any different. I have good reasons for insulting that ugly cetnik because his starting position is at least 2 big steps in the wrong direction(ethnic census and giving away state property to RS). And so far I have seen NOTHING that can nearly compensate for the damage these 2 cetik steps alone are causing BiH. Has he shown you any ability to make the changes needed? Tihic is NOT making the changes that are needed, he is legalizing the genocide and making an even worst deal then the one in 2006 because of which I voted on Silajdzic so that he can prevent such anti-Bosnian acts that only a cetnik like Gargamel is capable of. If Dayton is not working, if people aren't coming back to their homes, if the economic situation is bad and getting worse, is "waiting-it-out" a valid stance? Yes the OHR has a responsibility to completely implement the Dayton agreement, that includes the refuges. If it cant be implemented then Dayton doesn’t mean shit and we want our real constitution back, the only truly legal constitution, the one of the Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina where there is no RS. In any case state property would stay state property and the 1991 census would be the only relevant factor in RS. With Silajdzic we cant lose. Again the population in BiH gains noting from Tihics cetnik deal.
Post by manijak on Feb 5, 2009 14:06:33 GMT -5
You see the problem I have with this "waiting" game is that all of it not only rests on the West, but its basically the West forcing and doing undemocractic things to make people live together who don't want to do that.
The West has never made things better. They always make things worse. International community cannot solve our problems. We have to do it ourselve. Because if we don't, we will be blaming them once again when 20yrs after they force an agreement, we have more conflict and war.
Post by tito on Feb 5, 2009 14:41:14 GMT -5
Bosniaks have accepted every idea that and democratic principal that the west has offered for the new constitution, Serb separatists have no interest in doing so and it is up to the OHR to force them. We are not allowed to have a democratic state and where stopped during the liberation of Bosnia by the west so we can not really do anything other then hold on to the democratic principals that the west suggest and the serbs refuse. Unless we are named Gargamel Tihic who is willing to become a cetnik Vojvoda in order to have his revenge on Silajdzic who saved Bosnia from the 2006 destructive attempt to legalize genocide and the failure of the implementation of Dayton.
Post by manijak on Feb 7, 2009 9:54:37 GMT -5
Milorad Dodik 'Ako se riješi državna imovina BiH neće trebati OHR' Ukoliko se riješi pitanje raspodjele državne imovine Bosni i Hercegovini više neće trebati Ured visokog predstavnika (OHR), ocijenio je predsjednik Vlade RS-a Milorad Dodik.
On je za Radio RS-a kazao da će taj stav u subotu izreći na posebnoj sjednici o Balkanu u okviru Konferencije o sigirnosti koja je u petak počela u Minhenu.
Dodik je kazao da je za BiH i njenu dugoročnu stabilnost važno da politika i odluke "budu vlasništvo ljudi u BiH, a ne protektorat međunarodne zajednice".
Ističe da je "od ključne važnosti za dugoročnu bezbjednost da prestane s radom OHR", a da o BiH odlučuju domaći predstavnici.
- Niko ne razmišlja da je moguće destabilizirati BiH, mada ima nekih koji tvrde da ukoliko se ne nastavi mandat OHR-a ili ne provodi politika koja se zagovara u Sarajevu, da bi moglo doći do neke eskalacije. To je propagandni trik, kazao je premijer RS-a.
Dodik boravi od 6. do 8. februara u Minhenu, gdje učestvuje na 45. konferenciji o sigurnosti.
Post by manijak on Feb 21, 2009 8:27:27 GMT -5
So apparently Dodik has walked out of the talks because Covic and Tihic didn't want to accept his plans.
hahah..no shit.
Post by tito on Feb 21, 2009 8:30:02 GMT -5
He demanded that RS should get the right to separate in 3 years. LOL
Post by fazlinho on Feb 21, 2009 8:33:10 GMT -5
So apparently Dodik has walked out of the talks because Covic and Tihic didn't want to accept his plans. hahah..no s**t. www.sarajevo-x.com/clanak/090221028I nek mi neko kaže da Tihić hoće da ostavi netaknutu RS... Bravo Tihić
Post by tito on Feb 21, 2009 8:38:46 GMT -5
So apparently Dodik has walked out of the talks because Covic and Tihic didn't want to accept his plans. hahah..no s**t. www.sarajevo-x.com/clanak/090221028I nek mi neko kaže da Tihić hoće da ostavi netaknutu RS... Bravo Tihić Pa Gargamel dobro zna da nebi ziv stigao u Sarajevo da je pristao na Dodikov ultimatum: "Jasno sam im rekao na kraju sastanka šta su moji uslovi, pri èemu sam naglasio neupitnost teritorijalnog kapaciteta Republike Srpske. Pošto nisu htjeli da prihvate, napustio sam sastanak", rekao je Dodik novinarima. Lider SNSD-a nije želio da šire obrazlaže razloge napuštanja sastanka. Prije poèetka sastanka, predsjednik SNSD-a najavio je da æe od svojih sagovornika Tihiæa i Èoviæa najprije zatražiti da se izjasne da li uopšte prihvataju RS u teritorijalnom kapacitetetu koji RS ima u okviru Dejtonskog sporazuma.
"Drugi uslov odnosi se na potvrðivanje prava entiteta na entitetsko glasanje i pojaèan status tog instituta", rekao je Dodik. Lider SNSD-a je naglasio da je treæi uslov da Èoviæ i Tihiæ prihvate da u novom ustavu bude uneseno odreðenje da entiteti imaju pravo na samoopredjeljenje do ocjepljenja i da to mora da bude utvrðeno referendumom tri godine nakon usvajanja novog ustava. www.hayat.ba/content/view/24993/344/
Post by manijak on Feb 21, 2009 9:07:08 GMT -5
well duh.
Most of us knew that Tihic was not an izdajica, and that the man was just trying to be different from Silajdzic. So that is why I totally believe him when he says he is trying to do things piece by piece. Haris is a lot like Dodik, unrealistic plans because the other side is thinking the opposite. Tihic tried to give a bit but then Dodik did his Haris imitation.
Post by tito on Feb 21, 2009 9:23:14 GMT -5
At least Haris is not a CETNIK like Tihic.
Post by kapetan on Feb 21, 2009 12:29:10 GMT -5
Hehehe RS's days are numbered.
Post by fazlinho on Feb 22, 2009 6:18:56 GMT -5
Post by tito on Feb 22, 2009 14:02:38 GMT -5
Tihiæ, lider gubitnika u miruwww.bhdani.com/default.asp?kat=kol&broj_id=610&tekst_rb=1Da nije upornosti s kojom Bosnu i Hercegovinu vodi u katastrofu i nestanak, Sulejman Tihiæ bi zasluživao iskreno sažaljenje. Naravno, ne zbog toga što je dozvolio da ga njegov prudski partner Milorad Dodik praktièno svakodnevno ismijava i izlaže sprdnji, veæ zbog (glumljenog?) uvjerenja da sve što je dogovorio sa Voždom iz Laktaša neumitno ne vodi ostvarenju njegovog (Voždovog) cilja: daljnjem slabljenju države Bosne i Hercegovine, daljnjem jaèanju državnosti Republike Srpske, obnovi Herceg-Bosne i, u konaènici, definitivnoj podjeli zemlje sa sarajevskom, zenièkom i tuzlanskom regijom kao evropskom Gazom u koju æe biti nabijeni preostali bosanski muslimani. Dodik više ni najmanje ne skriva svoj cilj i odnos prema Bosni i Hercegovini. Svakome ko vidi šta Dodik radi sve je jasno, ali Tihiæ se ponaša kao muž kojeg je žena uhvatila u krevetu s ljubavnicom i glumeæi uvrijeðenost pita: "Hoæeš li vjerovati meni ili svojim oèima?" U pokušaju da javnost ubijedi da ne vjeruje svojim oèima, Tihiæ organizira sastanke na kojima nudi svoju diplomu Pravnog fakulteta kao garanciju da "zna šta radi". Na posljednjem sastanku s predstavnicima èetiri temeljne bošnjaèke boraèke organizacije Tihiæ se samosažalijevao, glumeæi razoèaranost što ne uživa podršku onih u èije ime se sastaje s Dodikom. Tom prilikom je iznio i sljedeæu ocjenu: "Moj je dojam, zahvaljujuæi medijima, javnost je prije spremna za pušku u ruke, nego za dogovor." Ovaj Tihiæev utisak zaslužuje pažnju, iz tri razloga. Prvo, neistina je da on nema punu podršku barem polovine najznaèajnijih medija u Bosni i Hercegovini: u Sarajevu Dnevnog avaza, u Banjoj Luci RTRS-a i Nezavisnih novina, u Mostaru Veèernjeg lista. Drugo, iako je sam u više navrata javno isticao da je pozicija Milorada Dodika takva da konstantno ucjenjuje partnere u vlasti (kao u sluèaju usvajanja ovogodišnjeg budžeta državnih institucija), Tihiæ ovim krivicu za nemoguænost postizanja kompromisa praktièno svaljuje na Bošnjake, amnestirajuæi pritom Dodika. Treæe, i kljuèno: dobro je ako ima osnova za Tihiæev utisak da je "javnost", to jest Bošnjaci, spremnija na puške u ruke nego na ono što on naziva kompromisom. Naime, Tihiæev "kompromis" znaèi bošnjaèko pristajanje na etapni nestanak države Bosne i Hercegovine. Jedna od historijskih grešaka osnivaèa partije na èijem je èelu Tihiæ jeste asistiranje Slobodanu Miloševiæu i Franji Tuðmanu u podjeli Bosne i Hercegovine. Ako se u èinjenicama da su Bošnjaci u ratu bili izloženi puno nadmoænijoj združenoj srpsko-hrvatskoj vojnoj sili i moguænosti praktiènog istrebljenja može tražiti neko opravdanje za Aliju Izetbegoviæa, Tihiæ ga danas teško može naæi. Ono što ultimativno nameæe Dodik, uz suglasnost Dragana Èoviæa i podršku ruskog i ostalih ambasadora u Sarajevu, manje je od onoga što su Izetbegoviæu i prije Daytona i u njemu (po)nudili Miloševiæ i Tuðman, uz podršku Vancea, Owena, Stoltenberga... pa sve do Holbrookea. Najvažniji kratkoroèni Dodikov cilj jeste gašenje Ureda visokog predstavnika (OHR-a), kao kljuène prepreke stvaranju potpunog haosa u zemlji koji bi bio iskorišten kao dokaz da je Bosna i Hercegovina, eto, neodrživa. Èak i ovakav OHR kljuèni je garant oèuvanja države. Dodik i ne krije da mu je san da vidi leða visokom predstavniku i to je razlog zbog èega je uopæe pristao na pregovore s Tihiæem. Da je, pri tome, i za jedan pedalj popustio u svojim ultimatumima (nedodirljivost Republike Srpske, otimanje državne imovine, popis stanovništva, funkcioniranje RAK-a, Direkcije za evropske integracije, Uprave za indirektno oporezivanje, Vijeæa ministara, Državnog suda...) još bi se možda i moglo tražiti razumijevanje Tihiæevih motiva za pregovore s razgoropaðenim Dodikom. Ovako... Nevjerovatna je ironija sudbine da bi, zahvaljujuæi Sulejmanu Tihiæu, za Bošnjake mogla postati potpuno primjenjiva èuvena apsurdna reèenica Dobrice Æosiæa o narodu koji u miru gubi ono što je dobio u ratu. Tihiæu pomoæi više nema, a razmjere štete koju èini Bosni i Hercegovini zavisit æe od toga hoæe li vrh Stranke demokratske akcije i dalje vjerovati svom lideru ili svojim oèima.
Post by fazlinho on Feb 22, 2009 15:11:05 GMT -5
A više i ove naše špekulacije.... BH Dani se ne bi ni prodavali da ne pišu one mahalske priče iz komšiluka. Čovjek je iznio svoje stavove eno gore sam napisao šta hoće on i SDA. To laprdanje svakoga o tom nekakvom planu da hoće da podjeli državu, a sve činjenice ukazuju na to da hoće da normalizuje situaciju. Ja ću prvi priznat da sam debil bio ako na kraju ispadne sranje i poveća nadležnosti RSa i oslabi BiH ali ako činjenice ukazuju na drugo ne može me niko ubjediti u tom nekom planu protiv BiH.
Post by Ja Ona i Pivo on Feb 22, 2009 15:15:33 GMT -5
samo vi špekulisajte.. ;D
Post by fazlinho on Feb 22, 2009 15:20:31 GMT -5
nemam ja šta špekulisat, fino je tihić rekao
Ima svu moju podršku.
Post by Ja Ona i Pivo on Feb 22, 2009 15:23:43 GMT -5
ma ja ... Tihi ;D